One Thousand Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville


Why Study 音乐 Education at Cedarville?

Are you ready to make a difference in the lives of students through music? With Cedarville's distinctly Christian Bachelor of 音乐 Education degree, you'll be prepared to teach vocal, 仪器, or general music in grades K-12, in both public and Christian schools. 当你获得在课堂上出类拔萃所需的技能和知识时,你对音乐的热情将得到培养.

在斯德维尔, 巴赫那句著名的“Soli Deo Gloria”——为了上帝的荣耀——不仅仅是一句口号. 这是我们的使命,驱使我们通过造物主赋予我们的技能来荣耀他. In the music education program, 你将在一流的设施中完善这些技能,同时得到有成就的教授的指导. 当你毕业时, you will be prepared for a career as a music educator, ready to glorify God and impact your students.

请求的信息 访问

What Sets Cedarville Apart?



可定制的 – 你会 choose from a choral or 仪器 track.

广泛的 – 你会 graduate equipped to effectively teach music at the elementary, 中学, or high school level by selecting appropriate methods, 材料, and music; planning course outcomes and activities; presenting course content; and evaluating course outcomes.

认证 – 你会 receive the skills, 知识, 以及作为一名音乐教师获得国家认证和就业所需的能力.

学生s playing in the orchestra

Soli Deo Gloria 音乐 Scholarships

Cedarville University offers music scholarships of up to $6,000 per year for students majoring in music. 你可以将你的音乐奖学金与沙巴体育其他慷慨的学术奖学金和基于需求的奖学金结合起来.


We’re proud of our successful graduates! 95.音乐与敬拜系的应届毕业生中有2%在毕业后六个月内就业或进入研究生院. Check out Cedarville's other placement rates.

What Can You Do With a 音乐 Education Degree?

  • Our teacher candidates are known for their quality of education, commitment to the field of education, and diversified 经历 that prepare them for teaching in the classroom. Cedarville Education graduates are teaching all around the world in public, private, Christian, urban, international, and mission schools!
  • Testing Success – Every teacher candidate is required to complete 许可考试 in order to be a licensed teacher in the state of Ohio. 沙巴体育的教师候选人为这些考试做好了充分的准备, as evidenced by exam pass rates found at this link.
  • As a graduate of the Teacher Education Program at Cedarville University, you are eligible to receive two 教学证书. 我们的认证身份使您能够在您的研究领域获得俄亥俄州的教学执照,该执照可转移到美国的任何州.S. 你也有资格申请国际基督教学校协会(ACSI)证书, 是全国公认的基督教学校,不需要州与州之间的转学.

研究生和专业项目以及雇主每年都欢迎沙巴体育的毕业生. 重要的是要注意,一些专业的职业领域可能需要额外的教育, 经验, 和/或在完成雪松维尔大学本科学位之后获得的许可证.

Opportunities to Learn Outside the Classroom

As you complete your music education degree, your coursework will be complemented by these opportunities:

Field Experiences Early and Often -教育与社会工作学院认为我们的教师候选人应该有很多在学校的实践经验. That is why you will engage in local school settings during your first year 作为沙巴体育的教师候选人,并将继续在每年的沙巴体育教师培训中在学校环境中教学. 到你毕业的时候,你将完成超过600小时的课堂教学 经历!

学生 Education Association (SEA) -沙巴体育的教育学生组织是一个以基督为中心的社区,建立在装备教师相互服务和周围的人. Throughout the year, you will participate in professional growth events, ministry opportunities, and fun activities. 你也将有机会透过“领养长者”计划去事工, 生日事工, 教师早餐, 以及其他部委. Any education major is welcome!

合作项目 -这些项目允许您在附近参与学区的一所学校进行实地体验和课堂学习. 你会 learn teaching strategies and practices 同时在真实的课堂上与真实的学生和老师进行实践和理论交流.

Cross-Cultural Experiences/Classes in Ireland -教育与社会工作学院定期为教师候选人探索新的跨文化经验,以丰富他们的领域经验. Periodically, faculty lead a group 教师候选人到爱尔兰在另一种文化中完成核心教学课程. As part of this three-week adventure, you will earn credit for your courses, observe classrooms and the education system in another country, 一对一 opportunities to minister to the people of Ireland.

Overseas 学生 Teaching Program — You may choose to complete your student-teaching 经验 overseas. 这段经历发生在你作为沙巴体育教师候选人学习的最后一个学期. 你会 spend approximately 16 weeks overseas in an English-speaking school. 锡达维尔教育与社会工作学院与CCTECC合作,为希望完成学生教学实习的教师候选人协调海外经历 在国外. 你可以选择去世界上几乎任何一个国家,并接受专门的培训.


Building on your core liberal arts and Bible minor courses, 你将参加广泛的核心音乐和教育课程,包括一对一的私人课程, large and small ensemble 经历, 和相关的, real-life oriented music education courses that will make you a successful teacher in today’s classroom.


  • 音乐 Education Field Experience
  • 学生 Teaching and Seminar - Multi-Age

Start Your Degree in High School!

Save time and money in college by taking dual enrollment courses now. 了解如何提前一个学期完成你的教育学位 双录取 教育之路.

Explore the 双录取 Pathway

Program Format and 相关的项目

锡达维尔提供研究生和本科课程,有灵活的完成选择. 你可能也想 当你考虑最适合你的学位或项目时,请考虑这些相关的项目.


  • 本科
  • 住宅
  • 四年


Job and Grad School Placement




Dean, Assistant Professor of Education




Assistant Dean, Assistant Professor of Education




Professor of 音乐; Director of Clarinet Ensemble

