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GMHC 2023:全球医疗使命的心灵聚会

On Thursday, November 10th–12th, 我们所有的一年级专业学生和一些教职员工将前往路易斯维尔, 肯塔基州参加全球传教健康会议. 他们将与GMHC的信徒聚集在一起,专注于全国和世界各地的医疗任务. 那些参加聚会的人对国度的影响有一颗心,并使用他们从主那里得到的恩赐去服侍“这些最小的人”.“我们已经以无数的方式见证了这次会议的好处,并且很高兴看到主今年在GMHC如何工作.

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Why Choose a Pharmacy Career?

Pharmacy graduate student in the lab.当你听到“药剂师”这个词时,你会想到什么?? 如果你想象一个人在柜台后面数药片,分发处方瓶, think again! 今天的药剂师是创新的医疗保健专业人士谁做这么多. They are on the forefront of healthcare, 将药物知识与对病人健康的同情结合起来.

So, why should YOU consider pharmacy? Learn 5 great reasons.

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Top 5 Reasons to Choose a Christian Graduate School

Pharmacy graduate student in the lab.

There are a lot of good options for graduate schools. As a Christ-follower, is it that important to choose a Christian university? 商业、护理、制药等领域不应该到处都一样吗? Turns out, they are not.


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Posted in MBA MMin MSN PharmD

Students Blessed by GMHC Conference

Pharmacy student taking older woman's blood pressureThe Global Mission Health Conference (GMHC), was an incredible experience again this year. 这是我第二次和我们的药学学生一起参加GMHC, 每年都能看到会议的成果是一种祝福. 沙巴体育在这次会议上有大量的参与者 许多医疗保健本科生和研究生出席. In particular, the School of Pharmacy 每年都把药学一年级的学生都派去参加会议. 在这次会议上,我也有幸与校友们建立了联系. 与志同道合的信徒聚会,他们都有一颗影响国度的心 利用他们作为医疗专业人员和学生的天赋是一件非常强大的事情.

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Did You Know? Facts About Master's Degrees

Group of graduates facing the stage你知道吗,从2019年到2029年,需要硕士学位的入门级工作预计将增长15%? 近三分之二完成学士学位的学生计划完成硕士学位 degree? 2018-19年度,近1/4的硕士学位获得者是代表性不足的少数族裔, 为他们提供了通往工作保障和更高收入的关键途径?

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Posted in Master of Athletic Training MBA MDiv MMin MSN PharmD

Pharmacist Shortage as Role Increases

药剂师协助顾客解答有关非处方药的问题The recent COVID-19 pandemic 强调了当今药剂师日益重要的作用. No longer simply counting pills behind the counter, 药剂师站在第一线,为病人提供咨询,评估用药计划. With these increasing roles has come a greater demand 对于药剂师来说,导致全国药剂师短缺. According to a recent report from Fox News, 80% of independent pharmacies report having trouble filling positions. To combat this problem, pharmacies are offering huge bonuses — as much as $50,000 — to recruit new pharmacists.

The Cedarville University School of Pharmacy is 通过卓越的药学和基督般的同情心来装备学生,以满足这一日益增长的需求. 学生们从有很高资历的教授那里学习和指导, experienced, and godly pharmacists.

如果你想要一份有回报的职业,有充足的工作机会,可以真正改变人们的生活, consider pharmacy. And consider a Doctor of Pharmacy from Cedarville University.

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Pharmacist's Helping Treat Diabetes

最近一篇在线药物主题文章-糖尿病死亡率增加, But Pharmacists Can Help – underscores the increasing role of today’s pharmacists. 不再被困在柜台后面配药了, today’s pharmacists are coaches, interventionists, and patient advocates, 帮助解决面临的一些最大的健康挑战 our nation.

这篇文章解释了药剂师在筛查糖尿病前期和糖尿病患者并帮助他们确定糖化血红蛋白水平方面的独特地位, lifestyle changes, medication, and more. 大多数病人定期去看他们的药剂师——每人35次 根据作者的说法,平均每年一次,而他们可能一年只看两次医生.

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Posted in PharmD

5 Tips to Avoid Burnout as a Christian Pharmacist

By Jeff Bates, Pharm.D.

Dr. Jeff Bates

I’m a workaholic. I recently played golf, 我打了三个洞才不再为在一个美好的周六下午出门打高尔夫而感到内疚. 但我需要离开工作一段时间,以免像你一样精疲力竭. For me, 不过,避免精疲力竭的关键是保持一种健康、虔诚的工作态度.


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When Missions Align: Cedarville and GMHC

Cedarville 大学是装备医疗保健专业人才带来的佼佼者 skill and compassionate care into their practice for Kingdom impact. This focus finds a partner in the Global Missions 健康会议(GMHC),有100多名沙巴体育学生参加 annually. 会议启发和通知沙巴体育学生 神在世界各地的宣教工作和无数的机会 将医疗保健行业作为福音事工的平台.

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Posted in PharmD

How Important Is a Pharmacy Residency?

作为即将结束专业教育的药学学生, 他们开始问自己一个问题:我应该在毕业后继续实习吗? 对于那些谁想追求更多的临床工作在医院设置, clinics, or a specialized setting, the answer is unequivocally yes. 药房实习可以让你把在学校学到的知识和技能沙巴体育到真正的病人身上, situations, and settings. 您还将接触到实践的不同方面,并了解...
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