


毕业帽顶着一堆钱We all know students who started their four-year college journey… six years ago. 他们是否在努力通过考试, 沉浸在学习的过程中, 或者只是换专业太多次, their college education can quickly acquire an even larger price tag when eight semesters turn into 12.

One of the best ways a university can save you money is to help your student graduate on time. Consider the additional costs if students take five or more years to finish. Consider the cost if they never complete their educational goals!

在斯德维尔, 我们把帮助学生按时毕业作为头等大事, 为他们省钱,但更重要的是, allowing them to begin using their career to make an impact for Christ sooner. Today's 帖子 provides helpful information about graduation rates and what to consider as you compare college options.


张贴在 学者 招生 可购性 职业生涯 为什么高等教育以基督为中心



98.7% of the class of 2023 was employed or in grad school within six months of graduation.

You’ve heard us talk a lot about the quality of a Cedarville education. We're excited to share new information that affirms the results of our efforts and the caliber of our students and alumni.



张贴在 职业生涯



微笑的毕业生A blog 帖子 awhile back caught our eye, and we’d like to share it with you. 它列出了职业前景最好的十大专业. 你知道这些专业有什么共同点吗? 你可以在沙巴体育找到所有这10个人!

今天的文章 for more on how Cedarville offers the most in-demand academic programs, but with an added value of biblical integration that prepares students to use their vocation to impact the world for Jesus Christ.

鼓励你的学生 沙巴体育 今天要去沙巴体育. We have waived the application fee for those who 沙巴体育 by November 1.


张贴在 学者 职业生涯



Cedarville University is committed to preparing students for vocational distinction. 我们希望我们的毕业生不仅仅是找工作, but to find positions that allow them to glorify God by using the 他赐给他们的恩赐和才能. Our Career Services office is available from day one to help students accomplish 这. 从选择专业, 写一份完美的简历, 为面试做准备, 你的学生在学习的每一步都会得到帮助. 每年都是就业服务...

张贴在 职业生涯

新米.S.N.+M.B.A. 培养护士的行政领导能力


昨天,我们宣布了一个激动人心的消息 partnership between the School of Nursing and School of Business Administration to offer a new M.S.N.+M.B.A. 双学位. This unique program will prepare nurses for high-level administrative and executive roles in healthcare. 只要加上9个M.B.A. 到M级课程.S.N. 领导能力重点领域,学生可以从中获益 两个备受尊敬和宝贵的学位. This innovative new program is another example of how we're making graduate education more...

张贴在 学者 职业生涯

新Pre-M.Div. 辅修2021年秋季开学


If your student is considering pursuing a Master of Divinity (M.Div.在毕业后获得学士学位,沙巴体育将增加一个新的Pre-M.Div. minor starting fall 2021 that will make it quicker and more cost effective to earn that graduate degree at Cedarville. 通过添加前m.Div. minor to any of Cedarville’s undergraduate degree programs — along with the required Bible minor — your student can go right into Cedarville's Advanced M.Div. program and complete their graduate program in just two years...

张贴在 职业生涯 为什么高等教育以基督为中心

新米agazine Available From Cedarville: Business for the Glory of God


We've recently released the spring issue of 斯德维尔杂志 — Business for the Glory of God, 我们想和你分享! This issue spotlights the School of Business Administration (SBA). 自1959年以来, the SBA has taught and mentored students into a view of business that emphasizes excellence, 管理, 领导, 和王国的影响. The Magazine was sent to the printer before COVID-19 was on the national radar, and the New York City skyline as the cover image is now a stark...

张贴在 学者 职业生涯 为什么高等教育以基督为中心



You've heard us talk a lot about Cedarville's academic excellence and intentional discipleship, 但作为家长, you also want to hear that your student will be able to find a job. 我们已经告诉过你我们优秀的98分.2019届毕业生的就业率为5%, and now we'd like to share a video of some of our alumni who are not only in great careers, but are using their vocations to make a Gospel impact on those around them.

张贴在 招生 职业生涯

斯德维尔的B.A.+M.Div. 提供更快、更实惠的事工途径


如果你的学生打算从事职业事工, 我们在Cedarville为他们提供了一个很好的机会! 在沙巴体育, we are committed to equipping Christian young people for Gospel impact and Kingdom service. 没有比加速B更明显的了.A.+M.Div. 双学位课程. 这个独特的课程可以让学生获得B.A. in biblical studies and a Master of Divinity in just five years, 创造一条通往事工和...

张贴在 招生 职业生涯 为什么高等教育以基督为中心



Cedarville University is committed to equipping your student with challenging academics integrated with a biblical worldview. 但我们不会止步于此. Our Career Services department works hard to create opportunities for students to move into career positions immediately after graduation. 上个月, 就业服务中心举办了今年的第一场招聘会, 有超过125家公司参加, 包括像本田这样的知名组织, 波音公司, 宝洁公司 & 甘布尔和通用电气....

张贴在 职业生涯



文凭换来一堆钱As high school seniors and their parents sit down to finalize a college decision before the May 1 deadline, 有一个话题几乎总是讨论的一部分:成本.

While many universities — including Cedarville — are taking intentional steps to make a college education more affordable, parents are increasingly looking at job placement rates in order to weigh an institution’s benefits against its costs in an effort to decide whether or not a considerable investment is worthwhile.

Cedarville的安置率仍然令人印象深刻. 在毕业后六个月的最终目的地调查中,98.4% of Cedarville's class of 2018 reported being employed or in graduate school during that time period. This is not a one-year anomaly: Cedarville's five-year average is 97.3%.

These placement results are well above the national averages reported by the National Association of Colleges and Employers, 过去五年的平均回报率是88%. 但不要只相信我们的话. 阅读今天的问答 帖子,最初发表于 斯德维尔杂志, and see what parents are saying about their children's experience at Cedarville.

P.S. If your student has been accepted to Cedarville for fall 2019, be sure to pay your reservation 存款 以确保他或她的位置在即将到来的班级!


张贴在 学者 可购性 职业生涯 学生生活 为什么高等教育以基督为中心



Did you know that Cedarville offers discounted online and residential graduate programs for parents? 了解更多 索要你的研究生课程指南